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The teeth of the dog

Die Zähne des Hundes

Just like humans, dogs are completely toothless at birth. After a few weeks, the puppies grow their milk teeth, which are later replaced by permanent teeth.

In this article we will explain how many teeth dogs have, how their teeth differ from those of humans and how you can prevent dental problems with your four-legged friend.

The milk teeth of the dog

The milk teeth break through in dogs between the third and sixth week of life. It consists of 28 teeth. Compared to the permanent teeth, the milk teeth are clearly more pointed. In the lower and upper jaw, two canines, six incisors and six molars each grow.

The dog's permanent teeth

From the fourth to the seventh month of life, dogs experience a so-called change of teeth. During this time, the four-legged friend's milk teeth gradually fall out and are replaced by the permanent teeth.

In total, the dog's teeth now consist of 42 teeth. In the upper jaw there are two canines, six incisors and 12 molars, while the lower jaw has two additional molars (a total of 14 molars).

Compared to humans, a dog has ten more teeth.

Characteristics of teeth in dogs

The teeth of dogs are very different from ours. The largest of the molars in the upper jaw is also known as the ripper tooth. Lateral chewing movements are hardly possible with a dog's jaw. 

Its cuspids, which are also called canines or hook-teeth, are particularly strongly developed. Its cheek-teeth are quite pointed and have only very small chewing-surfaces. This makes them ideal for biting bones.

Tasks of the different teeth in dogs

The different teeth of the dog are perfectly suitable for very specific tasks thanks to their composition and shape:

  • Even if it is normally no longer necessary for domestic dogs, the task of the canine teeth is to grasp and hold the prey of the dog while hunting.
  • They are supported by the front molars, which are quite small and therefore form a gap.
  • The big cheek-teeth (fangs) in the upper and lower jaw are suitable for the splitting of meat-pieces and the crushing of food.
  • With its rear cheek-teeth, dogs can crush bones very well.
  • With their flat and small incisors, dogs can gnaw off meat remains from larger bones.

The change of teeth in dogs 

The change of teeth in dogs takes place from about the fourth to the seventh month of life and can last up to three months. The exact time and duration depends mainly on the breed. As a rule, the change of teeth is faster in large dogs than in small dogs.

The change of teeth is a complex process in which the germ of the permanent tooth begins to grow and presses on the root of the milk tooth above it. This causes the root to die, the tooth falls out and creates space for the new tooth, which can grow out in the gap.

angry dog

Possible problems during tooth change in dogs

In many cases, the change of teeth in dogs is completely smooth and inconspicuous. Some of the fallen milk teeth are swallowed or simply lie on the floor.

However, there can also be complaints. Especially milk teeth that do not fall out can cause great problems for dogs during the change of teeth. As a result, the permanent tooth next to the milk tooth grows out and stands crooked.

This can be caused, among other things, by hereditary factors or disturbances in jaw growth, whereby smaller breeds of dogs are particularly affected.

If such complaints occur during the change of teeth, it is very painful for the affected dog and can be noticeable by fever, diarrhoea, loss of appetite and weight loss. In most cases, the milk tooth must then be removed by a veterinarian.

How to keep your dog's teeth healthy

Dogs depend on a functioning set of teeth. For this reason, dental care is of great importance not only during the change of teeth. Just as with humans, regular tooth brushing also contributes significantly to the health of dogs' teeth.

Therefore it is best to get your four-legged friend used to it from an early age. Use a dog toothbrush and special toothpaste for dogs to brush your teeth. Alternatively, you can use a human toothbrush if it is the right size and has soft bristles. Human toothpaste, on the other hand, is not suitable for dogs and can damage their teeth.

In addition to daily tooth brushing, we recommend that you provide your dog with suitable chewing items for his teeth. These will promote salivation, help to remove plaque and food residues and also strengthen the animal's jaw muscles. As dogs have a natural chewing instinct, chewing snacks are usually very well accepted.

Bellfor Dental Sticks for healthy dog teeth

If chewing snacks are to contribute to the health of your dog's teeth, it is important that you ensure good quality. Our Dental Sticks are the right choice for you. The tasty chewing snack contains only natural ingredients.

Selected ingredients such as parsley, insect protein, diatoms and algae ensure that Bellfor dental sticks are not only tasty and digestible, but also make a valuable contribution to the health of your dog's teeth.

Order Bellfor Dental Sticks and take advantage of your dog's natural chewing instinct for dental care.

Bellfor Dental Care powder against plaque and tartar

With Bellfor Dental Care powder, we offer another product in our range that supports you in a natural way when cleaning your dog's teeth. Since our Dental Care Powder can easily be mixed with the dog's food, the application does not require any additional time.

The ingredients, such as algae and diatomaceous earth, help counteract the formation of tartar and plaque.

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