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Are dogs allowed to eat bananas?

Dürfen Hunde Bananen essen?

Bananas are considered healthy and rich in nutrients. Due to their sweet taste, they are not only very popular with most people but are also eaten by many dogs.

But are dogs even allowed to eat bananas, or can the fruit, like many other supposedly harmless foods, perhaps actually harm them? We will give you the answer to this question in the following paragraphs.

Are bananas a healthy snack for dogs?

It is generally known that fruit makes a vital contribution to a balanced diet for humans and should ideally be on the menu every day.

However, our own nutritional needs do not match dogs’. The four-legged friends need different food, and some foods that are completely harmless for humans are instead poisonous to them.

By the way, this applies to some common vegetables and fruits. Bananas, however, are generally not among them. Therefore, if you let your dog eat a piece of banana occasionally, you do not have to worry about the health of your four-legged friend.

Bananas provide your dog with many vital nutrients

Bananas don't just taste good. Apart from that, they also contain various vitamins and minerals that make them a healthy snack for in between meals. These nutrients include, for example, magnesium, iron, copper and manganese, and folic acid, which belongs to the B vitamins.

In addition, bananas are rich in fructose, which your four-legged friend's body can use as a source of energy, and fibre, which is essential for a functioning digestive system.

Are bananas suitable for dogs with diarrhoea?

Bananas have the reputation of being able to help against diarrhoea. This is due to the pectins they contain. Due to the water-binding dietary fibre, bananas can help to counteract diarrhoea in dogs.

However, we recommend the dietary supplement Bellfor Gastro Relax for dogs with diarrhoea. The easily digestible preparation was developed by our expert team of veterinarians and nutritionists and is characterised by its high effectiveness and excellent digestibility.

Get to know Bellfor Gastro Relax.

Why dogs should not eat too many bananas

The high content of micronutrients makes bananas a healthy snack for dogs. However, sweet fruits also contain relatively high amounts of potassium in addition to other vitamins and minerals.

A permanent oversupply of potassium can promote the development of heart problems in your four-legged friend. For this, your dog would have to eat a lot of bananas. However, you should still limit the amount of fruit you give your dog to small amounts.

How many bananas you can feed your dog without any problems depends, of course, primarily on the animal's size. Large dogs, for example, can safely eat half a banana two or three times a week, while the portions for small breeds should be correspondingly smaller.

Are dogs allowed to eat banana chips?

What applies to fresh fruit also applies in principle to dried bananas. You can therefore let your dog eat banana chips. However, bear in mind that they are exceptionally high in calories due to the drying process. Consequently, you should not overdo it in terms of quantity and only let your dog occasionally eat banana chips.

Feeding the dog with banana - our conclusion

As you can see, there is nothing against feeding your dog banana in principle. You should just be careful not to let your dog eat too much banana to avoid possible problems due to the relatively high potassium content.

Regardless of this, the tasty fruits can be an excellent nutrient-rich energy supplier, mainly for physically active sports or service dogs in between meals. This is also why dried bananas, insect protein and chia seeds are among the ingredients of our popular fitness powder.

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