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Tranquilizers for Dogs: When and How You Can Help Your Four-Legged Friend

Tranquilizers for Dogs

Dear dog owners,

Sometimes life can be stressful for our four-legged friends. Just like humans, dogs can benefit from tranquilizers in certain situations. In this post, you will learn when such remedies can be helpful and what options are available, including a look at the product Shiimun Calm by Bellfor.

When Are Tranquilizers for Dogs Useful?

  • Fireworks and Thunderstorms: Loud noises can trigger fear in dogs. Learn more about dogs and anxiety.
  • Travel: Car rides or flights can cause stress.
  • Veterinary Visits: These necessary trips are often not a dog's favorite activity.
  • Separation Anxiety: Dogs that don't like to be alone may experience stress in the absence of their owners.
  • Behavioral Problems: Aggression or excessive barking can sometimes be caused by anxiety.

Types of Tranquilizers for Dogs

When it comes to the well-being of our loyal companions, various types of tranquilizers are available. Here's a closer look at the options:

Natural Tranquilizers

This category includes products based on natural ingredients, such as:

  • Herbs: Valerian root, chamomile, and lavender are popular herbs with calming properties.
  • Homeopathy: Often, highly diluted substances are used, targeting the principle of "treating like with like" in the dog's body.
  • Pheromones: Synthetic versions of natural dog pheromones can help dogs feel safer and calmer.


These are a gentle way to help dogs relax:

  • L-Tryptophan: An amino acid converted to serotonin in the body, promoting mood and relaxation.
  • Melatonin: A hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and is often used for calming and promoting sleep.

Prescription Medications

These potent remedies should only be used under the guidance of a veterinarian:

  • Anxiolytics: Medications specifically designed to reduce anxiety.
  • Antidepressants: In certain cases, they may be used in dogs to treat anxiety or other behavioral problems.

Calming Aids

In addition to orally administered remedies, there are also physical aids:

  • Weighted Blankets: These special blankets exert gentle pressure, similar to a snug wrap, providing a sense of security to the dog.
  • Calming Music: Certain pieces of music or soundscapes are designed to promote relaxation in dogs and reduce anxiety.

Each of these tranquilizers has its place and application, depending on the individual situation and your dog's needs. An open conversation with your veterinarian can help you make the best choice for your four-legged friend.

Shiimun Calm by Bellfor: A Natural Option

  • Natural Ingredients: Shiimun Calm is made from Shiitake mushrooms, herbs, and other natural ingredients.
  • Easy Application: The powder is easily mixed into the food.
  • Developed for the Needs of Dogs: The formula considers the specific physiology of dogs.
  • Positive Customer Reviews: Many dog owners report good experiences.
  • Developed and Produced in Germany


It's natural for our dogs to sometimes need a bit of support to calm down. Tranquilizers can be a great help in many cases. Shiimun Calm by Bellfor is just one of the many options available to help your dog stay relaxed. Always remember to discuss the use of such products with your veterinarian to ensure your dog's well-being.

I hope this post provided you with a helpful overview of the different types of tranquilizers for dogs.

Stay calm and composed, just like your four-legged companions wish for!

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