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20 interesting facts about dogs

Dogs are fascinating animals. These four-legged companions are loyal, eager to learn, and regularly bring joy to their owners' faces. Apart from that, there are many other interesting (and sometimes surprising) facts about dogs. We have summarized 20 of them for you in this article.

1.There are over 350 dog breeds

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The FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale), the world's largest canine organization, recognizes over 350 different dog breeds. Thanks to this variety, every aspiring dog owner should be able to find the perfect companion.

2. A friendship that has developed over millennia

The exact time when humans first domesticated dogs is not fully known. However, it is certain that dogs were kept by humans in Europe at least 14,000 years ago. Over the millennia, a wonderful friendship has developed between humans and dogs.

3. Dogs are not carnivores

Unlike cats, dogs are not strict carnivores. They are classified as semi-carnivores, which means their diet can contain a higher proportion of plant-based ingredients. However, a purely vegan diet is not recommended for dogs.

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4. Dogs are not the most popular pets

Although they are often referred to as humans' best friends, dogs are not the most popular pets. In terms of numbers, they rank second in Germany with approximately 10.6 million individuals. Cats, on the other hand, take first place by a significant margin, with a proud 15.2 million living in German households.

5. Dogs communicate with their whole bodies

Body language is an essential part of communication for dogs. They use their tail, facial expressions, and even the position of their head to communicate. If you want to understand your four-legged friend, it's important to familiarize yourself with dog body language.

6. Tail wagging doesn't always indicate joy

A wagging tail is generally associated with happiness in dogs. However, that's not always the case. In reality, wagging simply indicates that the dog is aroused. The reason for the arousal can be both positive and negative.

7. Dogs have very few sweat glands

Unlike humans, dogs have very few sweat glands. As a result, dogs cannot regulate their body temperature through sweating like humans do. Instead, they rely on panting to perform this function. However, they can quickly overheat when it is very hot. Therefore, it's important to provide cooling measures when needed during the summer.

8. Dogs have an impressive sense of smell

Humans have about five million olfactory receptors in their noses. Dogs, on the other hand, have up to 40 times as many. While there can be significant differences between breeds, a dog's sense of smell is far superior to that of humans.

9. Dogs can detect diseases

With their extraordinary sense of smell, dogs can not only track scents but also detect diseases. For example, there are dogs trained to detect low blood sugar in diabetics or bacterial infections.

10. Dogs have a unique nose

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It's not news to say that humans can be identified by their fingerprints. But did you know that a dog's nose is just as unique as a human fingerprint?

11. Dogs have night vision

Dogs can see much better in the dark than humans. This is due to a higher number of rods in their eyes and the presence of a reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum. The tapetum lucidum reflects incoming light, allowing it to pass through the retina twice.

12. Dogs can't see the color red

Many people still believe that dogs are colorblind. However, that isnot true. Dogs can see colors, but they have color receptors for green and blue, while humans have receptors for red in addition to green and blue. As a result, dogs cannot perceive the color red and have a different color perception than humans.

13. Enormous size differences

There are enormous size differences among dogs depending on the breed. The tiny Chihuahua can reach a shoulder height of only 15 cm (6 inches), while breeds like the Great Dane or Irish Wolfhound can reach a shoulder height of up to 80 cm (31 inches), making them true giants.

14. Size determines life expectancy

The average life expectancy of dogs can vary significantly depending on the breed. In general, smaller dogs tend to live longer than larger ones. Chihuahuas can live up to 18 years, while Rottweilers usually live only 8 to 10 years.

15. Yawning has different meanings for dogs

Dogs yawn not only when they are tired. It can also be a calming signal or indicate uncertainty. Stress, such as from moving or high physical exertion, can also trigger yawning in dogs.

16. Every dog is unique

The character of dogs can vary significantly. One dog may be calm and fearful, while another may not shy away from confrontation. The breed can be an influential factor in a dog's personality, but it is also possible to observe characteristics in your dog that are atypical for its breed.

17. Some dogs don't bark

Barking is a typical vocalization that every dog uses to get attention. However, there is an exception. The Basenji, originating from Central Africa, does not bark. Instead, these medium-sized hunting dogs make sounds that resemble a mix of chuckling laughter and yodeling.

18. Dogs can taste sweetness

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While dogs have a better-developed sense of smell than humans, the opposite is true for their sense of taste. Dogs have far fewer taste receptors on their tongues. However, unlike cats, they can taste sweetness.

19. Not every dog can swim

Contrary to popular belief, not all dogs are naturally good swimmers. There are non-swimmers among dogs, or some simply don't like water. Therefore, it's important not to leave your dog unsupervised in the water unless you know for sure that they are a good swimmer.

20. Dogs can get sunburned

Just like humans, dogs can get sunburned. Short-haired and light-skinned breeds are particularly susceptible to sunburn. It's important to protect them from excessive sun exposure, especially in areas with intense sunlight.

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