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Hemp oil for dogs: a natural booster for your four-legged friend's health

Hanföl für Hunde: Ein natürlicher Booster für die Gesundheit Ihres Vierbeiners

Have you heard of hemp oil for our furry friends? This oil is highly valued for its numerous health benefits - and not just for us humans! But what makes hemp oil so special for canine health?

In this article, we shed light on how hemp oil is processed from the plant into drops, the health benefits it offers, how it should be dosed and applied, and what to consider when using it.

From Plant to Drop: The Production of Hemp Oil

The hemp plant, valued for millennia for its diverse applications, is the source of one of the most natural oils. The oil extraction process begins with the harvest of high-quality hemp plants grown under strict quality controls.

When purchasing hemp oil, ensure that you buy unrefined, cold-pressed oil. This gentle process ensures that all the beneficial ingredients are retained. Since hemp oil does not contain psychoactive substances like THC, it has no intoxicating effect on your dog.

A Drop for Well-being: The Health Benefits of Hemp Oil

What's in this magical potion? A fantastic blend of omega fatty acids and antioxidants makes hemp oil a real superhero for your dog's health.

Main Benefits of Hemp Oil Overview:

  • Promotes Skin and Coat Health: Rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, it improves skin health and can make your dog's coat shinier and stronger.
  • Supports Heart Health: Hemp oil contains nutrients that help regulate blood pressure and lower cholesterol, contributing to your dog's heart health.
  • Anti-inflammatory Effect: The fatty acids it contains can help reduce inflammation in the body, particularly beneficial for dogs with arthritis or other inflammatory conditions.
  • Boosts Immune System: The unsaturated fatty acids in hemp oil support the immune system and can make the dog more resistant to diseases.
  • Improves Brain Function: Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for brain health and contribute to maintaining cognitive functions.
  • Promotes a Healthy Digestive System: Hemp oil can have a positive effect on the digestive system and contribute to relieving gastrointestinal complaints.
  • Relieves Allergy Symptoms: For dogs with sensitive skin, hemp oil can have a soothing effect and help reduce itching and irritation.
  • Hormone Balance: The gamma-linolenic acid in hemp oil can help stabilize hormone levels, contributing to overall well-being.

Dosage and Application: How Much is Good?

The appropriate dosage of hemp oil for your dog is crucial to achieve the best possible health benefits without risking unwanted side effects. The right amount depends on several factors, including the weight, age, and specific health condition of the animal.

Dosage Recommendations

How much hemp oil should your dog get? As a rough guideline, you can start with about 1 mg of hemp oil per 5 kg of your dog's body weight per day. This dosage can then be gradually increased approximately every 5 - 7 days until the desired effects, such as improved well-being or relief of certain symptoms, are achieved. Before you start, please remember to consult a veterinarian. It's always better to be safe, especially when it comes to your furry friend's health. A veterinarian can help determine the optimal dose for your dog's individual needs and health condition.

Instructions for Safe Application

Hemp oil can be administered in various ways. It can be given directly into the mouth, mixed with food, or dripped onto a treat. It's important to carefully observe your dog's reaction to the oil after each administration to ensure that it is well tolerated and shows the expected positive effects.

External Application of Hemp Oil

In addition to oral intake, hemp oil can also be applied externally to treat skin problems or maintain coat health. When applied externally, the oil is directly applied to the dog's skin or coat. This can be particularly helpful for dry skin, inflammation, irritations, or to improve coat shine. External application can also have a soothing effect and provide relief for dogs with skin allergies or itching.

It should be noted that even with external application, you should start with a small amount and observe the dog's skin reaction. If redness, rash, or other reactions occur, it is advisable to discontinue use and consult a veterinarian.

Safety First: Potential Side Effects and Considerations

While hemp oil can be a valuable supplement to promote your dog's health and well-being, it is important to use this natural supplement with care. Although it is generally well tolerated, some dogs may experience side effects.

Possible side effects may include mild digestive problems such as diarrhea or a reduced appetite, especially when hemp oil is administered in too high a dose.

To minimize the risk of side effects, start with a low dosage and gradually adjust it to your dog's needs.

It is crucial to understand that hemp oil serves as a supplement to your dog's diet and should not be seen as a replacement for other essential nutrients. A balanced and species-appropriate diet containing all essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients is essential for your dog's health.

For a high-quality and balanced diet, we recommend Bellfor dog food, specially tailored to your dog's nutritional needs and providing an optimal foundation for supplementing with hemp oil.


Hemp oil can be a valuable supplement to promote your dog's health and well-being. With its rich profile of beneficial ingredients, it offers a natural alternative to support various health needs.

However, it is important to proceed responsibly, find the right dosage, and monitor your dog's reaction. As part of a holistic approach to caring for your four-legged friend, we recommend Bellfor dog food, which is optimally tailored to your dog's nutritional needs and can be excellently supplemented with hemp oil.

With the right information and care, hemp oil and high-quality dog food like Bellfor can enrich your dog's life and support their health in the long run.

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