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Dogs Guide

Canine allergies: recognising and treating the symptoms

Canine allergies: recognising and treating the symptoms

Just like us humans, dogs also frequently suffer from allergies. These can be triggered by quite different causes, causing highly unpleasant conditions for your furry friend!In this article, we explain which allergies are particularly common in dogs, the symptoms by which they make themselves visibl..

Weakened immune systems in dogs: causes and what can really help

Weakened immune systems in dogs: causes and what can really help

Just like in humans, a functional immune system plays a decisive role in ensuring the health of your dog. If the immune system is weakened, diseases result. In this article, we will explain what can cause weaknesses of the immune system, while you will also learn how you can strengthen your furry f..

Detect and treat Clostridia in dogs

Detect and treat Clostridia in dogs

Clostridia are a very common cause of digestive problems in dogs. It is estimated that more than 20 percent of all diarrheal diseases can be attributed to an infection with Clostridium. To find out exactly what Clostridium is, how it can infect your dog and what symptoms it causes,..

Insect bite in dog

Insect bite in dog

The warm season inevitably brings with it a multitude of biting insects, which can sting not only humans but also dogs. In most cases an insect bite is harmless in dogs. However, there are also situations in which it can become a serious danger. In this article, we will explain what to look o..

Liver diseases in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment

Liver diseases in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment

The liver is an important part of the metabolism and is involved in numerous processes in the dog's body from nutrient utilization to detoxification. However, various liver diseases can impair the functioning of the organ and, in the worst case, even be life-threatening. In the follow..

Scabies at the dog

Scabies at the dog

The dog's mange is a skin disease caused by certain types of mites, which is not only extremely contagious, but can even be fatal if left untreated. We will explain to you how your dog can become infected with mange, what symptoms to watch out for and what is necessary for successful trea..

Traumeel for dogs

Traumeel for dogs

More and more dog owners are critical of conventional medicines and are therefore looking for herbal alternatives that they can administer to their dog in pain and other complaints. One of these alternatives is Traumeel for dogs. In the following you will find out exactly what this preparation is a..

Vitamin B for Dogs: Effects and Side Effects

Vitamin B for Dogs: Effects and Side Effects

When it comes to a dog's healthy diet, it is not enough to just provide a suitable amount of food and animal proteins. In addition, it is also important that the four-legged friend is supplied with vitamins and minerals as required. This also includes vitamins from the vitamin B complex, whic..

How long do Jack Russells live?

How long do Jack Russells live?

The Jack Russell Terrier is a small hunting dog from the UK. It owes its name to the English pastor and hunter John (Jack) Russell, who began in the 19th century with the breed of this breed.The Jack Russell Terrier is led by the FCI in Section 2 of Group 3 under the low-flying Terriers and should, ..

Lipoma in dogs: symptoms and treatment

Lipoma in dogs: symptoms and treatment

If you notice a thickening under the skin when petting your dog, it may be a so-called lipoma. In many cases, this is completely harmless and does not cause any discomfort for the dog. However, it is also possible that the fatty growth will lead to problems due to its size or adhesion with the surro..

Mating in dogs: everything you need to know about reproduction

Mating in dogs: everything you need to know about reproduction

Prospective breeders probably have many questions regarding the mating of their dogs. After all, breeding involves a great deal of responsibility and both the parents-to-be and the puppies should, of course, enjoy impeccable health. ..

Are dogs allowed to eat maize?

Are dogs allowed to eat maize?

Whether in the form of whole corn cobs, as a vegetable garnish or as popcorn when going to the cinema - corn is a popular food and, measured by the amount cultivated, even the most widely produced cereal worldwide. But are dogs actually allowed to eat maize or should they be fed with a different ..

Low purine dog food - when does it make sense

Low purine dog food - when does it make sense

Є кЖлка причина, чому собаку слід годувати бЖдним пурином. Все, що вам потрібно зробити, це з’їсти пурин , вам потрібно з’їсти його, а осад подається йому обак з бідним вмістом пуринів? На ці питання ми відповідаємо нижче. Що таке пурин? Пурин - це орган , який використовується для розвитк..

Kennel cough in dogs: causes, prevention and treatment

Kennel cough in dogs: causes, prevention and treatment

Kennel cough is the colloquial term for an infectious tracheobronchitis. It is a disease of the upper respiratory tract of dogs that is primarily characterized by dry cough, but can also cause other symptoms depending on the severity of the course. Due to its transmission routes, kennel cou..

Dog has fleas: recognize and treat flea infestation

Dog has fleas: recognize and treat flea infestation

Fleas with dogs are a real nightmare for owners. Once the four-legged friend is infested by them, the small parasites can only be got rid of with great effort. In addition, a flea infestation can also cause serious health problems. In this article we therefore explain how you can recognize and ..

Arthrosis in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment

Arthrosis in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment

Many people know from their own experience how much arthrosis can reduce the quality of life. Of course, this also applies to dogs, which can suffer from osteoarthritis in the same way as humans. Arthrosis is widespread in dogs. In principle, it can affect any four-legged friend. With some dog bree..

Large dogs

Large dogs

Besides the division of the different breeds into one of the 10 groups defined by the FCI, it is especially common to divide dogs into small, medium and large breeds according to their shoulder height. To qualify as a large dog, a breed must typically have a shoulder height of more than 60 centimetr..

Blood in My Dog's Urine: Causes and Tips

Blood in My Dog's Urine: Causes and Tips

In a healthy dog, the urine is usually light to dark yellow in colour. If there is blood in the dog's urine, however, it is often reddish. For dog owners, the shock in this case can be great. Fortunately, in many cases the causes of the blood in the urine are harml..

Vomiting in dogs: causes, treatment and prevention

Vomiting in dogs: causes, treatment and prevention

Digestive problems such as vomiting are not uncommon in dogs. They can have many causes and should not be taken lightly. Below you can find out the possible causes of vomiting in dogs and what you can do to treat them. Possible causes of vomiting in dogs Just like diarrhea, vomiting in..

A cold in dogs: causes, symptoms and prevention

A cold in dogs: causes, symptoms and prevention

The wet and cold winter weather not only troubles us humans, but also our dogs. Just like you, your dog can get a cold too. Find out below what can cause a cold in dogs and what symptoms it leads to. We will also explain how you can prevent your dog from catching a cold in the first place. ..

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